Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chapters, pages, lines- continuoums of words.

I have started writing my book again.
I tried adding onto a familiar chapter, but failed.
I started writing a new chapter- a chapter that will make my book "fiction"
I long to share it on here...
but I'm afraid the chapter will have to be published before anybodys eyes see it.
For if I put it on here-
who knows what could or would happen...
You are all just chapters... I think.

preview of the chapter:: (hopefully you will buy my book once I publish it!)

Another night, another month- I couldn’t even tell you what day or time it was. All I know is that it happened. It happened so fast. Now  readers, let me warn you- this chapter might be fuzzy, blurry, unclear and contradicting for several reasons. Those reasons are to remain unknown from now, until the end of time. You can come to your own conclusions and fill in the blanks- yet each and every person will have a different perspective. OK, now here we go…
It was a typical night out, probably a Thursday or a Saturday- your choice. Tight jeans hugged my legs, black heals made my appearance tall, slick and flawless- although it was only a mere outer image. Hair was straight… or curled (you pick). I had picked up Jade, I thought she wanted to hang out with me- work on things, whatever. My mind was twisted, it was always twisted when it came to her. I was excited to walk in with her, show people that we were hanging out- almost to rub it in their faces- but that moment that we walked in the door and she b-lined it to the bar, and ignored me the whole night I finally understood it. She used me, yet again, same old story, right? She needed a ride because she didn’t have a car, she asked me to buy her drinks while kissing me and flirting with me… I’d buy- she’d disappear again. I found her once making out with my ex-girlfriend Ellie. Epic. My heart sank, I wanted to cry… but I couldn’t. I think I had become so used to this feeling of being used, unappreciated, and jaded. I called her out on it, her and Ellie giggled and it made me feel so insignificant, and like a joke. Jade was still telling me she loved me, still fucked me nearly every night. What was wrong with me? Was I ugly? Too stupid? After catching Ellie and Jade making out three times I decided to give up, sit my ass on a stool in the back bar. Sinnerss and Saintss wasn’t too busy that night, and I was tired. People came over to me, gossiped. I forced smiles, laughs and nods. I was not amused- It’s been nearly 2 years that I’ve dealt with the same people, talking about their “friends.” I had become the queen of falsifying emotions. I hate it, but it is the pure white truth. So as I sit there, on my pedestal, entertaining people in their little world, I notice ...

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