Friday, February 10, 2012

A spin on Alice

Spiralling down,
the rabbit hole- seems to fall deeper and deeper,
into what she might ask?

Trials and tribulations force us to learn, to leap, to hug faith- while staring death in the eye.
Sometimes we jump with both feet in and the water is ice cold, while other times we hold back.
-one pill makes you larger...
The water could be warm- we will never know unless we jump.
...the other makes you smaller-
The colors are changing, fading almost... like a disarray of sunlight beaming through crystals.
Or sunlight gracing an angle of the looking glass...
Isn't it funny how life twists, turns, and changes until you fall?

"Curiouser and curiouser!"

Advice is only only assumptions made my experience-
Spin till you fall, and take your own advice
because in the end, logic and reason will take you far-

Like Alice said "In contrary wise what it is it wouldn't be, And what it wouldn't be it would.You see?"
Just look into the looking glass...

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