Wednesday, June 25, 2014


A sacred place for you and I,
Above the clouds.
As miles elongate, and hope becomes bright.
I wish I may, I wish I might.
Send you best wishes,
In the pale moon light.

May peace finally surround you,
and may love finally find you.
Quit running, take a breath, and breathe.

Close your eyes, and sleep well tonight.
Running never felt so right.
But now you're there so take a rest,
Even if it reassures a final breath.

Since final breaths are chances many,
For one may close one chapter,
and open a plenty.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The physical strain of an emotional Demon...

She haunts my body,
The empty cavity that acts as if breathing.
Yet a heart, still beating.

Is it the act of a machine?
For standing alone, it is a dark hole.
Strings, drawn by a puppeteer.

A shadow lurks, and tiptoes, in the shadow I cast alone.
She takes form of my own, and is close enough to capture my breath.
She makes me weak.
Stealing the sweet exhale from my lips, and hugging me tight as I
To Inhale.

She teases me with questions, leaving answers unturned.
Health, or Demon?
I know she is attached, and near
But physically?

Breaking down strength,
Until dark dreams, purpose a scare.