Monday, June 6, 2022

Mother Daughter Day

 A mother and daughter sit next to me,

As my feet soak and I pick my polish color.

The little girl is 11,

And her and her mom are having a mother daughter day. 

Her crystal blue eyes, remind me of my own when I was that age. 

She wants blue toes, but a French manicure on her fingers to match her "Mommy"

My heart melts when she says that word.

Her mom so wildly loving the little girl to her left. Asking her about how her day was, and how things are going in dance. The little girl in equal amounts of bliss, enthralled with her mom. 

I'm instantly transported back to age 11. The days when my mom would call my school and tell them I was "sick," when in reality we were having a girl's day! 

Matching nails, lunch afterwards... 

Sneaking sips of my mom's diet peach snapple when she wasn't looking.  

What I'd give to have those days back.

I look to my right,

An empty chair... 

Maybe she's sitting with me after all.

Tears fill my eyes 🤍

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sunlit Capture

 Her soul was soft, but her heart was strong.

She found pleasure in the smallest things. 

The cackle of a crow, 

The breeze of a violent storm, whipping rain against her bare skin. 

The smell of fresh ground coffee beans.

It was the small moments that made her feel alive. It was the small moments she found comfort in. It was the small moments she fell in love with. 

Because each of those small moments are what fed her drive to live, to experience, to love