Stranger you were than I remember,
You voice was distant through the airwaves.
Stranger you were from before- or maybe this is you, the Real You.
Stranger became my memory, cloudy, but clear as day.
You tossed me into emissions and recollections of the Dharma and Karma that I used to avidly study.
Stranger and more distant your face became, as you whispered things that were stranger than most.
Stranger was the breathing of your soul- shallow, hollow, dense, and thick.
You became further and lost in a brainwash of falsities... or so I thought.
Stranger was the apology that I received today, from a long lost and ever searching soul-
That thought she was found.
Stranger was the peace, joy and love she wished me through the miles...
Why did I find this so strange?
Stranger was how I felt, how you felt, and how the awkward silence and pauses became;
For we were lost, and hesitant in our memories of qualms and foes.
Stranger you became,
And Stranger I was left-
At the thought, that you my dear, were merely a