Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Tangled in sheets,
Sweat beads on our delicate bodies.
Unwrapped and unraveled
Few words spoken.
Only skin...
But is this vulnerable?

Less the fabric , we are unwoven
But let's strip back the walls of our souls.
Let's break,
Let's become naked in an alternate realm
Show me your soul exposed.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Woken by the Universe

Three o'clock in the morning.
Starting to wake me again,
Starting to shake me, break me again.

Anxiety consumes me,
But energy and creative flow make my hands shake as I write,
As I clench my chest,
As my mind races.

The universe is prying my eyes open,
Trying to show me brighter colors than the radiant colors I'm seeing now.
Colors that only few have seen.

I will start writing when the universe wakes me.
Something great will come from it.