Friday, February 28, 2014

"You" are Several.

How are you?
I'm fine.
I think about you from time to time.
You may be here, you may be there.
But one day, let's be real
You diminished in thin air.

I feel your presence while I'm in the hardest
of places.
I hear your whispers in my sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Although I taint it with my drugs,
my life for once is more than dull.

But empty is my heart right now,
Our home is echoing- for somehow.

I realize that this letter drags,
but there's more than one I'm screaming to.

I count the stars, and pick them out of the sky.
Put them in a jar, that my tears collect in.

Colored Wishes.

Numbing, beautiful, colors.
They creep into the room as my body relaxes.
Addicted to the self pity,
addicted to the beautiful imperfection,
addicted to being human.
Perfection is expected in this life I live,
so I escape.
but deeply.
It's so surreal- yet makes time fly faster than a jet.

I whisper in the silence, knowing that you are listening.
Knowing that you are there.
And I just wish.

Settles in.

Settles in.


I'm here.
And here.

I'm there.
Here but

Tonight shall be induced with
medical pleasure
in the form of the tiniest
Revealing the tortures of the mind.

Stay tuned.

Monday, February 10, 2014


I close my eyes and levitate,
Floating through darkness, blinded
Then upon opening my eyes I am hovering,
Over your bed.

I am hungry for your sex, your blood, your sweat, your tears.
Your energy.
Your poor, poor mind-
Your body
Your soul.
I am hungry, I crave it, and I need it to

I inhale your scent, so sweet, so pure-
Your sleeping body senses me.
I drop down closer.. merely inches away from your bare skin.
My presence has your flustered, but you arch your back and let out a sweet, gentle sigh.
A smile graces your lips.

I open my blood red lips and inhale, your energy,
Your sexual desires from your body.
I thrive off of this feeling.

I am full,
You are limp,
Silent breathing, yet your chest still rises and falls.
Lips are cold, but regaining color.
You are alive.

And I close my eyes once again, to wake up in my own bed.
If only this one hundred and forty four year old demon, would
leave you alone.
Because in actuality- I crave the whole, not the body.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Life after death,
Am I
or Will I be,
A Succubus?

If they roam this earth then I surely am this creature that I feel deep within,
If I'm not then I was, or will be.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


"But the world is so corrupt and justice must be served!" She screamed at the top of her lungs,
"If we didn't press for change the world would be colder than the ice age we live in now- and that's pretty damn cold!" She continued.

So furious, and determined to prove a point.
Her tiny little voice screams through the airwaves-
Air Length escape underneath her words.
Her tiny little fists want to pound on the floor- she wants to scream and throw her body to the linoleum.
Cold, hard, lifeless linoleum- just as cold, hard and lifeless as this fucking world.

The scream resonating in her head is piercing,
and painful.
Soundling like a million voices,
Telling her, whispering to her, all the terrible things that she "should do"

"It's OK" They whisper, "We are your friends," The assure.
"INSANITY! Leave me the FUCK alone!" She screams out loud.

The lights flicker,
Something....Something very dark has consumed her this past month.
She needs to escape it, but there is no escaping a demon that attaches itself to your being.
Because A body is weak,
But a mind is strong.

She inhales,
It's shaky like it has been.
Frail and Weak.
She knows deep down that she is stronger than these demons.


She breaks down, shaking (which seems to be the norm lately).
Fiercely shaking.
Like the addict that she is, although this time it's not from withdraw,
It's from these demons.
Which swim like the purest heroin through her veins.