Sunday, December 4, 2016

Her Loss of Innocence

I guess you could say she lost her innocence at eighteen.
What proper teenager looses it so late in life?
Up until that year, the world was so bright. She found hope in every little crevice of light.
She would get so wrapped up in blades of grass that graced the nape of her neck... the feeling she got while she was laying  on her back, face to the sky.

Her heart,
Her spirit,
Her soul
Were light, carefree, and engaged in the world around her.

She couldn't help but admire her father's eyes, his coarse singing voice, his guttural laugh.
She couldn't help but connect with her mother's smile, her voice, and her love for all things great and small.

She was so lost in them. They could do no wrong, they were her mommy & daddy.

Reality set in,
Shook her world and opened a gate to Hell.
She would be bruised, and slashed of her dignity.

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