It is crazy how after over a decade of knowing and loving a person, they can become a stranger overnight.
It is one hell of a wild ride,
They no longer act like the person you believed them to be, and this requires a protection of your heart and soul.
You must learn to let go of the idea of "protecting them," and embrace the idea of protecting yourself.
When it comes down to your mental health, your feelings, your emotions, your well-being versus their; always choose your own. They will find their way, and you no longer owe them your kindness, your gentle heart, your care and your protection.
I'm not saying actively try to hurt them, at all. I'm saying, there will be moments where a decision will either hurt your heart, or theirs. It is OK to choose yourself. There is no perfect world where some decisions will be at peace with both parties. Put yourself first.
When somebody's true colors shine through, believe them. Not the 100th time, but the first time. It may be hard, but it will save you from years of turmoil and repeated heartbreak.
Take accountability, where accountability is due, and do it radically. I am not perfect, you are not perfect- and neither of us fully owned that, until the bitter end.
As much as this all pains me, I know that I will heal in time. I know that you will heal in time... it is wild to me that so much is hitting me now, but I will disect and work through it.
Wishing you a world of peace, love, adventure and joy.
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