Tuesday, December 9, 2014


She had a blank stare and no one asked her why.
 Her eyes were swollen with tears- but they came from the sky
She couldn't answer at all if you sat and inquired... 
Because only God knows that fallen angels cry for no reason at all,
 when the reason is actually that they had no clue they had fallen *

They see a reflection, and know it's not them
A shell of a body is not Heaven sent.
They sit, while confused, and smeared with a smile
How God has let angels live human for a while

Their souls know the truth, but their minds are uneasy-
Restless, Unhappy, and mostly Upset.

A spark is flickering, and manic they become- but when the night falls
They know that it's done.

One day they'll be back with their loved ones at bay,
 however it'll be a few life times, as they're light years away.
A soul does not live, just once here on earth- 
They start off as Angels, and fall to the dirt.

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