Thursday, March 12, 2015

Airplane Thoughts

It's amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do to a person.
Moods change, colors change, emotions take flight in the most positive of ways... It's a miracle really. I've spent years in darkness- searching for eternal sunshine. Now, I'd be lying if I said I've discovered some hidden light, or some incredible instant cure for our darkest moments, but I am however on a journey.
A journey of increasing light, increasing love and increasing newfound peace.
It all starts within oneself. A flicker of a flame is light enough to lead you towards a brighter light at the end of a tunnel.
Demons may try to waver that flame, and they may be successful in blowing it out, but we are are capable of creating a fire within.
Once you reach the end of the damp, dark and desolate tunnel, you see light- even on the cloudiest of days. At first, its the brightest light you've seen, even blinding behind clouds and rain, yet you are happy.
As the days pass you are blessed with the warmth of the sun, and the dancing of wild rain on your body and ground around you. This rain is the key to life. She feeds the hungry plants, waters the thirsty souls, cleanses our bodies when dingy and dusty... This rain, she keeps us alive. Before we know it we resent her, we find comfort in being dry, comfort in sunshine, and comfort in clear skies... But we forget how the rain gives us life. We beg her to leave, complain about her presence, but she still gives while we wish her away.
We should find happiness in even the most dim light, the light of the moon or even the light that sneaks through the clouds enough to give us sight. We should dance in the rain, and thank her for her generosity - we should embrace each leg of this Journey we call Life. Because if we don't find the faintest light, even in the cold, wet and dark days- we will forever be stricken with sadness and angst. Mother nature blesses us with change, because without change there would be no appreciation, and without appreciation there would be no room for journeys like ours

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