Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I watch smoke rise into the fire burning sky.
Trains warn with their horns,
Factories are winding down from overnight shifts,
And polution fills this place we call Earth.

The smoke turns from off white to pinks to accent the morning sky.
It dissipates into the atmosphere and I am intrigued.
The past week I've been so fascinated with smoke.
How it is created, changes shape, and disappears into the cool, fall, sky.

I can't help but relate it to my newfound fascination with reincarnation.
I am now sure of it.
I am discovering my past lives, my present life, and my future lives.
I'm decoding souls I've met and connect with.
There is no denying the ultimate connection I've felt while trapped in the Aleph.

A door that has opened for me,
I return to thinking of the smoke...
I wish to float and change with her.

I shall.
My soul will evolve.

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