Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ghostly Friends

It was dark and her soul was tinted
With a hue of light
She dug deep, and she opened her mind.
A lost little girl, stuck in a realm of dying time.
She pulled and prodded until her thoughts came to light,
She was beautifully tainted - I would claim her anew.
Her memories and thoughts, she tried to sort through.

She spoke to the woman with straggled blonde hair,
As if she was really, in the room,
Right there.
She was a mirage, that only the little girl saw
She was beautiful, yet deadly, and
Invisible to all.

The girl knew her past, but was trying to piece,
the words of the ghost,
That haunted her, in her sleep.

She captured a "B" and a mother's dear touch,
She asked the pale woman, to hint more than dust.
The woman, her eyes, were light, and she, thin.
Her death was provoked, by an unthinkable sin.

She cried, and she whispered,
"He attacked me in bed,"
And that is how Brenda,
Ended up Dead.

I was that girl, that listened patiently
I still speak to her, as if it were me
Because once I'm gone, I'll feel so alone
So Brenda to me is a friend, of my own.
I don't know what happened, or how she died that night.
But the man that had killed her, is far from the light.

I'll find out more,
To fill her story in
But until then,
We will remain, ghostly friends.

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