Saturday, May 14, 2016

Lesson in The Whole

Last night I learned a lesson,
Had somewhat of an epiphany.
Stillness and Bliss go hand in hand for me.
They are two in one.

I also realized that I am not selfish but self-caring and self-loving.
And in order for a soul to thrive in this universe, one must ultimately be self-caring, and self-loving.
These two things are far from selfish,
They are essential to our spiritual make-up.

All of the people we meet,
All of the people we take into our lives,
Into our hearts,
And all of the people we love- intentionally or unintentionally,
Become part of us.
They become part of our growing super nova,
They become part of our seemingly huge to us, but retrospectively small, Universe.

In order to truly honor ourselves,
In order to truly love ourselves,
We must honor those that surround us.
We should not sacrifice our own well-being,
But we should sacrifice our self-indulgent behaviors.

This might be hard.
We humans, are self-indulgent creatures.
We are constantly stuck in a dialogue of the past or future,
But let's focus on the present.

Last night,
I simply Was.
And it was the most beautiful thing I've experienced in a long time.
I was finally able to realize that I am only hurting myself,
By hurting others,
So I need to love, honor, and respect others,
In order to love, honor and respect myself.

Lesson in The Whole.

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