Saturday, June 22, 2024


 We all play the villain in somebody's story,

And it seems like that's the role you've assigned me.

When in reality, and for so long- I know I was your safe and sacred space. I held you gently as you'd cry, I'd wipe away the tears. I'd give you affection you hadn't received in all of the years you had been alive. 

I taught you unconditional love, but now you'd say I kept you "caged," but let's be real babe...

The only one holding yourself back, is you. It has always been you. 

You can weave with words, you're good at that- believe what hurts, and don't crawl back. 

Because if making me the villain, makes you learn to love yourself, I'm OK with that. 

All I ever wanted was for your happiness & joy. Your success, is evident, and my love was no ploy. 

So write the lyrics that paint me ill, and I'll be the target so you can pay your bills-

I find solace in all that I know was real, my character and my love, I've got that still.

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