Friday, June 21, 2024

We Knew

 I knew you had a thing, for your 20-something fling...

There's not much in her head, aside from hairspray. 

I'm bitter, ever so slightly, simply because I saw it coming before you did. 

But so did you.

You saw my thing, for my 40-something thing, and just like that- we're both "disgusting."

Look at who we've become. 

Liberated? Maybe.

I know she could never fill the hole in your heart and soul, that I once filled. I know she could never make you love yourself, like you deserve... Go out and find yourself, and report back; I'll do the same. 

Hopefully this honesty,

The most honest we've been with one another in years, 

Breeds great friendship.

Because, you're my asshole.

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