Sunday, August 9, 2015


  1. astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away.

"To take one's breath away"
What an odd thing to want.
What an odd and off adjective. 
We use this for beauty, for magnificent things
Things that leave us in awe...
...something spectacular.

Reality is that if one's breath was taken, one would be left dead.
So why do we chase breathtaking?
Do we chase the end? I believe we do.
We are our own demise. 

Last night I journied,
Alone- fearless.
Inhaling summer's gentle breath.
I was taking breaths from her... breathtaking.

When you whisper words into the wind,
They are carried, 
Maybe lost,
Maybe delivered.
Maybe the message danced in the air for years before reaching the recipient.
But the wind takes your breath, 
Your words,
and either handles with care or mangles.

When I whisper at night, 
To the moon and the stars, 
I exhale my words, and thoughts for the day.
Maybe brought into the realm of galaxies,
Maybe stolen by the wind,
Either way my breath is taken from my lips,
With my words,
With my thoughts, and carried...

Where they reach I do not know,
All I know is that fear is no longer a word that exists.
Death could be closer 
And we can't resist.
For devils and angels may receive our breath once she strikes.

Where it's taken we don't know.
Whom it's given?
Secrets held by the universe.

All I know is that my breath was taken.

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