Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mirage To Reality in less than 24 hours

A mirage approached me yesterday,
Her eyes were a glassy blue, her nose had this distinct little bump in the middle
-shoulders and chest covered in freckles...
Lips thin, and pink.
As she tiptoed towards me with a smile on her face, a smile scary enough to be yours,
a chilled shot up my spine making my face fill with rouge colors, and heat.

We exchanged words, and my mind was racing.
Identical in personality, looks, even went to the same school at one point.
Similarities remain consistently scary.

It was the moon staring back at me.
A night so dark and dim.
With the twinkle of a star in her eyes.
This was last night.

Visiting an old friend,
Solitary fears graced my incoherent mind.
Subconsciously worried.
Fear smacked me in the face.
You must have laughed as you parted from my body...
fail, cold and shaking.

It was really you this time.
A smirk from steps away.
There was no avoiding it.
I tried, and contemplated pretending I did not see the reality of the mirage from last night.
Once crystal blue eyes locked on my emerald ones I had to embrace the hello.

They did not exist.
Rendered literally speechless for a moment.
Did you notice?
I walked away.
My mind fucked and twisted.
Inhaling the air from the stale pizza place across the food court.
I blinked, shook it off,
and entered the comic shop.

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