Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I can only hope that those that are weak, and alone, find refuge in the night-
in the warmth of a light from a fireplace, or a Christmas tree...
The warmth of an oven baking cookies for the season,
or the warmth in words that runneth over pages... spilled, like a half consumed glass of red wine.
Warmth from that same red wine, a poison, entering our bodies.
Safety is warm, comfort is warmer-
yet there are moments where we have to be our own stability,
our own lust of Constantine.

Be safe in an angel's arms,
with the kiss of God at your shoulder blades, like wings waiting to emerge.
Take pride in all that you accomplish, for others may not see that happiness lies in your own hands...
Do not let them claim your identity,
Being you is what will make you happy,
escape the falsities of a mirage.

My hands reach to the stars, to grace the moon in her light,
They crave warmth from the sun, for those who aren't as lucky as I.
Moments will pass ever so quickly, ever too soon.
It's like the world never seems to quite end,
yet it has never seemed to begin.

Hold each moment dear,
and let go of fear, denial, and pain.
Embark on adventures that leave you to your peace,
your comfort,
your sanity.

Claim all of your dreams,
put them in a bottle with your countless teardrops,
and let them set overnight...
Your dreams will turn into fireflies -
then set them free in the spring.

Until then, watch the fireflies form in your midnight bottle.

((reference "Midnight Bottle"- Colbie Callait))

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