Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Piece of Me Not Yet Discovered

I was driving in a car,
It was a suburban street, with trees canopying overhead.
The sun was shining, and I was listening to my thoughts.
I often found myself dangerously wrapped in thought while driving.

I looked to my left.
I felt an urge, a pulling towards this house.
I quickly pulled into the driveway, unsure of what would come next.

The shrubbery was overgrown,
But a beautiful deep green.
The grass was past my ankles, and I could barely see the stone walkway as I stepped out of my car.
A wooden sign was free standing, small, and gently blowing in the wind.

The paint was chipped, and the sign almost looked vintage.
"Open" it read, implying inside this house was a shop.
I ascended the stone steps, and gently turned the bronze, yet weathered knob.

Upon my entrance I was greeted by sights of a small boutique.
There were clothes with clever sayings,
And I felt the soul of a gypsy radiating from the shop and its merchandise.

I woman looked up from behind a cluttered counter.
She had thin, square glasses, and curly dark chocolate colored hair.
"Have you been here before?" She asked hastily, while focusing at the task at hand.

"No, I just felt compelled to stop in. I actually didn't even know this place existed... It's really..."
Before I finished my sentence she dropped what she was doing.
A huge, welcoming, grin graced her face.
She was beautiful.
She was not young, the lines edging her smile and her eyes told stories.
Stories of adventure, stories of lost love, stories of discovery.

She grabbed my shoulders and entered my soul through her gaze.
"Then you must come with me! Let me show you around!"
I couldn't oppose, and I felt intrigued.
Moving behind me, still keeping her hands on my shoulders she started to guide me to a set of narrow stairs.
Up we went.

The first room we went in was full of windows.
There were no curtains on the windows, sunlight was filling the room.
The worn, wooden, floors reflected the sunshine in a gorgeous way.
"Oh! It looks like the nosey, neighbor lady, finally shut her blinds!"
I was confused, and looked out the window.
There was a building next to the one we were in.
Close, but not too close. I could see a single window, blinds drawn.

She proceeded to tell me about the aged furniture that was in the room.
This furniture she was talking about as if they were antiques.
Each piece was labeled by year it was from, and owner.
The pieces weren't in good shape,
If anything they were falling apart.
All of the furniture had been owned by average people,
Some blankets were even that of a homeless man that had passed away.

She talked about each relic with pride and enthusiasm.
I began to think I had stumbled into a tucked away gem of an antique shop,
An odd one at that.
But I listened with care, and ease.

The next room she brought me in was full of more furniture,
No windows,
Just a single lamp.
Here, she told me that people could rent these rooms.
I then thought, "Bed and Breakfast?"

My nose led me to our final destination,
A kitchen.
Windows surrounded,
The ceiling was high,
The space was open, and modern.
It was warm with aromas that were more than inviting.

"Come smell this"
She took my hand and brought me to the stove,
A stew of sorts was bubbling.
She brought a spoonful up to my nose, and I inhaled with passion.
I smiled.
Not a word said.
Another woman, out of nowhere was behind me,
She grabbed my hips in a fit of lust, and started kissing my neck.
The curly haired beauty was still in front of me, her gaze still warm.
I felt safe,
I let out a sigh of ecstasy,
"Oh Wow"

I woke up.
A dream.
Meaning that I need to start consciously focusing on parts of me that I have not yet uncovered.
A House with Many Rooms.

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